Main function: Lower blood pressure, enhance the resistance of capillaries and decrease its fragility, and reduce blood fat
Quercetin 98%
1. Antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory activity, protecting cellular structures and blood vessels from the damaging effects of free radicals.
2. It improves blood vessel strength. Quercetin inhibits the activity of catechol-O-methyltransferase that breaks down the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.
3. It also means quercetin acts as an antihistamine leading to relief of allergies and asthma.
4. It reduces LDL cholesterol and offers protection from heart disease.
Quercetin blocks an enzyme that leads to accumulation of sorbitol, which has been linked to nerve, eye, and kidney damage in diabetics.
5. It can remove phiegm,stop cough and asthma.
Applied in dietary supplement
Applied in health product field
Applied in pharmaceuticals